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Chef Jet Tila Test Drives MOKS with the Coyote Pellet Grill

If you’re a fan of Chef Jet Tila… You’ll be more than familiar with his impressive collection of delicious recipes! Today, he’s test-driving a couple of his favorites on the Coyote pellet grill… Installed inside a MOKS island from RTA Outdoor Living. But before we get to cooking, let’s take a look at how easy it was to get set up with the MOKS island.

As you’ll see… Chef Jet Tila and his wife Ali assembled an entire outdoor kitchen in about 30 minutes! This lightning-fast installation time allowed the culinary duo to get cooking as soon as possible. Not to mention… The MOKS island looks incredible in this outdoor space. With a sleek modern bright finish, this outdoor kitchen truly elevates the space.

Now, let’s get to the Coyote pellet grill! You’ll see Chef Jet Tila and Ali preparing a few different dishes for the pellet grill. The first thing you’ll see is a spatchcock chicken, with impeccably browned skin all-around. Some marinated pork also gets thrown onto the grill, to absorb all that smoky, wood pellet flavor. On the other side of the island, Ali is hard at work preparing a pineapple upside down cake. This might be a surprising choice… But you can actually bake with the Coyote pellet grill! Pretty impressive, right?

Curious to see more? This is just a sneak peek of what Chef Jet Tila and Ali are cooking up outdoors… And plenty more content is going to be released in the coming weeks. Make sure you’re subscribed to be notified when new content featuring these culinary geniuses drops! You won’t want to miss it.

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