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Kamado Grill Outdoor Kitchen | 2 Brilliant Ideas

Interested in getting a kamado grill outdoor kitchen? It’s a smart idea. Kamado smokers are incredibly versatile appliances… But if you don’t have a convenient setup, the experience can get pretty frustrating! You’re holding raw meat from inside the house, with only a tiny shelf to put it on… And wait, you forgot utensils! Now you have to run back inside with dirty hands… And start the cycle all over again.

Getting a kamado grill outdoor kitchen is the perfect way to eliminate all the minor frustrations that come with using your ceramic smoker. You can have all the countertop space you want… And even keep your utensils stored, right outside. And if you have an outdoor refrigerator… You could even have your meat marinate right outside. But what you want to know is… How can you incorporate a kamado grill into your design?

With RTA Outdoor Living… There are two unique ways to design a kamado grill outdoor kitchen. For one, you can put your kamado smoker on a stand. This showcases your grill nicely, and keeps it at a comfortable cooking height. Another bonus of this system is that it’s not truly built into your outdoor kitchen… So you can rearrange the stand if you prefer a different position.

The second option is to have it truly built into your outdoor kitchen. In the case of the Coyote asado… Coyote offers an asado sleeve that perfectly surrounds the kamado. This is an excellent option to have counter space on both sides of your kamado smoker… And it even comes with storage underneath! Pretty convenient, right? Now, if you’re ready to get your very own kamado grill outdoor kitchen… We’re ready to help!

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outdoor kitchen
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