When looking for a grill for your backyard, you want the best of the best.
It’s an investment that your family will enjoy for years… So you need to make sure the grill you pick can stand the test of time!
You want a grill that is high-quality, reliable, and backed by industry leading customer service. The last thing you want to worry about is making repairs and parts breaking down. You’re buying a grill or outdoor kitchen for entertainment… Not a headache.
In your research for a gas grill… You’ll quickly discover that not all grills are created equal.
The grade of grill you choose directly impacts performance and longevity of your investment. The higher the quality… The better your grill will perform and the longer it will last. Make sure you consider this point seriously when configuring your budget.

Many grills made for big box stores are designed with planned obsolescence in mind. Just as with many consumer products… This means you’ll have to replace them every few years.
Yes, their price may be enticing at first! But know that you’ll be paying that cost over and over again in replacements down the line. When it comes to lower priced grills… The burners are the number one replaced component. They are also often the most expensive replacement part!
So, which gas grills are most reliable?
That’s what we are here to discuss today. More specifically, we’ll be discussing KitchenAid gas grills and Coyote gas grills.
Yes, there are many other grill brands out there! However, discussing them all in this blog would be overwhelming.
The decision making process as it is can be paralyzing… So we’d like to compare just two popular grill brands today.
If you’re considering a KitchenAid or Coyote grill, you’ll want to tune in. We’re going to answer your most common questions about each brand. By the end, this article should achieve two things:
For one, you should have a better understanding of each brand’s products and how they operate. Second, you should have an idea of which brand will work best for your needs.
Without further ado… Let’s start with a quick overview of each company.
DISCLAIMER: RTA Outdoor Living is in no way affiliated with KitchenAid.
KitchenAid Grills Company Overview
KitchenAid grills are a rather interesting brand. If you’ve made some Google searches about them, you’ve probably encountered the following questions:
Who makes KitchenAid outdoor grills?
Who manufactures KitchenAid grills?
Are KitchenAid grills made by Nexgrill?
As you can see, there’s a lot of mystery surrounding KitchenAid grills! There’s nothing nefarious, though.
You’ll find the answer is made clear on the about page of Kitchen Aid Grills’ website.
They state:
“Nexgrill Industries, Inc is licensed by Whirlpool Corporation to design, manufacture, and sell KitchenAid globally.”
So yes, KitchenAid gas grills are in fact manufactured by Nexgrill.
To understand KitchenAid grills, we need a bit more information about Nexgrill.
Nexgrill was founded in 1993, so they’ve been around for nearly 30 years. They specialize in supplying “upscale, mid-range and professional grilling products”.
As demand for built-in grills has grown… Big box retailers have sought to capture some of the market. KitchenAid as manufactured by Nexgrill has been a fitting solution.
Generally speaking, Nexgrill is considered an entry-level option for grills. They’re affordable and available at big box stores. In terms of longevity and performance… Nexgrill is like any big box store grill. You should expect to be grill shopping again in the near future. Being a lower grade option, it’s not expected to last as long or have top notch performance.
Does this mean KitchenAid grills are made to the same standard?
Overall, KitchenAid grills are better than standard Nexgrill offerings. KitchenAid grills are made from better quality materials and components. We’ll go into specifics in the materials section.
Now that we’ve got that KitchenAid/Nexgrill situation cleared up, let’s move on to Coyote.
Coyote Outdoor Living Company Overview

Full Disclosure: We at RTA have a strategic partnership with Coyote appliances. As a result, we have done our best to be as open and unbiased as possible.
Coyote Outdoor Living was founded in 2010… Just as demand for built-in grills was beginning to take off. With over 11 years in the industry, Coyote has brought a lot of innovation to the outdoor kitchen equipment industry.
This innovation isn’t just with grills, either. Coyote offers a full line of outdoor kitchen components and accessories to help you build the outdoor kitchen of your dreams.
In the last decade, Coyote has made a name for themselves in a short period of time. They’re considered an established manufacturer in the grill industry.
Simply by meeting customer demand.
Founder Jim Ginocchi noticed there was a huge gap in the outdoor kitchen market that needed to be filled.
As little as 10 years ago, your outdoor grill options were much more limited. You could either go for a premium offering starting at $4,000 or more… Or choose a lower-end grill from big box stores.
The middle ground most of us are looking for was missing.
And that’s where Coyote came in. They offer premium quality grills such as gas, charcoal, pellet, electric, ceramic at an affordable price point. Coyote also provides a full lineup of outdoor kitchen components like doors, drawers and accessories.
As stated on Coyote’s website, “we believe that our customers should never compromise their outdoor living experience. With our best-in-class features, high quality materials and construction at an attainable price, they will not have to.”
While there’s no confusion on who manufactures Coyote grills… There is a frequently asked question about where. More specifically, the pellet grills.
So, where are Coyote pellet grills made?
Coyote Outdoor Living is a US based company. All products are engineered and designed here in the US.
All Coyote grills are manufactured in Asia.
Naturally, you’re wondering where KitchenAid grills are manufactured to compare. Our research uncovered that KitchenAid grills are also made in China. So we’re comparing apples to apples in this sense!
As far as engineering and designing… We can’t speak to whether KitchenAid performs these functions in the US or not.
Enough with the overview, let’s talk about grills!
Custom Outdoor kitchen full equipped with Coyote appliances
Built-In KitchenAid Gas Grill Options

So… What grill options are available via KitchenAid?
They offer freestanding, built-in, and island grills. For the purposes of this blog, we’ll be focusing on built-in models intended for outdoor kitchens.
Before detailing built-in models, we want to make a note about the freestanding grills. KitchenAid offers their freestanding grills in a few different colors – Coyote does not. So if color is extremely important to you, you may lean toward KitchenAid.
In the way of built-in grills… KitchenAid has two options:
KitchenAid 4-Burner Built-In Propane Grill

This 30″ grill is considered the standard option from KitchenAid.
This model features four burners and 775 square inches of cooking area. At max capacity, this grill can throw out 61,000 BTUs. Also of note is the ceramic rotisserie burner in the back.
KitchenAid’s standard four burner model has angled flame tamers above the burners. These are meant to deflect heat and prevent flare-ups.
Other features include an electric ignition system, stainless steel wrapped cooking grids, and a warming rack.
You’ll notice this is a propane grill. So you may be wondering… Does KitchenAid make a natural gas grill?
KitchenAid does not make natural gas grill right out of the box. However, their grills do come with a natural gas conversion kit. It’s an extra step, but it can usually be done in under 2 hours!
Now let’s discuss KitchenAid’s second built-in gas grill offering.

KitchenAid 4-Burner Built-In Propane Grill with Sear Burner

This 36″ offering is the upgraded stainless steel grill from KitchenAid.
In terms of features, this grill is very similar to the standard option. The main differences here are size and an additional burner.
You’ll get more additional cooking area, totaling 931 square inches. Max output on this unit is 71,000 BTUs. So we’ve got a little more power here!
As mentioned, there is an additional burner on this model. Off to the right hand side is an infrared sear burner. This burner is perfect for ensuring a good sear on your steaks, time after time!
Think of this grill as a beefed up version of KitchenAid’s standard option. So if you’re looking for more cooking area and a sear burner… This may be a better option for you.
So we’ve covered the KitchenAid built-in grill options. That wasn’t so bad! Onto Coyote.

Built-In Coyote Grill Options

You’ll find that Coyote’s built-in grill line is more expensive than KitchenAid. There are a wide variety of sizes and fuel options.
Detailing every single model would probably cause your eyes to glaze over… So we’ll just discuss the most popular models.
Coyote C-Series Grills

The Coyote C-Series gas grills can be most directly compared to KitchenAid’s standard offering.
For sizes, 28″, 34″, 36″, and 42″ options are available. For fuel type, C-Series grills can be used with liquid propane or natural gas.
The most similar to KitchenAid’s standard model would be the 28″ version… So let’s compare.
The 28″ C-Series grill provides 585 square inches of cooking space with two burners. These burners are known as infinity burners, which we’ll discuss later on.
For output, this grill can throw out up to 40,000 BTUs. No, it’s not as much as the KitchenAid grill. It’s also a bit smaller!
Other features include durable stainless steel grates, interior grill lighting, and warming rack.
This grill does not come with a ceramic rotisserie burner like the standard KitchenAid model does. However, this can be added on later if you choose.

Coyote S-Series Grills

Coyote S-Series grills are considered the upgrade option from the C-Series. With similar sizes and same fuel types, there are some noticeable additions here.
For sizes, Coyote S-Series grills are available in 30″, 36″, and 42″.
This line of grills is best compared to KitchenAid’s upgraded offering.
Comparing apples to apples, let’s look at the 36″ gas grill model.
This model offers 975 square inches of cooking space and boasts up to 90,000 BTU output. This grill contains three burners, plus an infrared burner for searing. There is also an infrared rotisserie burner included in S-Series grills.
Other features include ceramic briquettes, interior grill lighting, illuminated knobs, rotisserie kit, and smoker box. There’s a lot of bells and whistles with these grills!
We’ll talk a bit more about these upgraded features in the next section.
For now, let’s review other built-in grills from the Coyote line.

Coyote Pellet Grill

For those looking for an alternate fuel source… You may be interested in the Coyote built-in pellet grill. You read that right, a built-in pellet grill!
Coyote’s pellet grills are offered in two sizes – 28″ and 36″. Between the two, there are no differences in features other than size.
For our purposes, let’s look at the 28″ model.
For cooking space, there’s 609 square inches available. We were unable to find a BTU rating for this model, but we did find a temperature range.
Pellet grills work a bit differently than a traditional gas or propane grill. Pellet grills work more like an oven with consistent temperatures. This pellet grill can sustain temperatures anywhere from 175 – 650 degrees Fahrenheit.
Other features include a digital touch control, double walled canopy, interior grill lighting, LED light for temperature probes, built-in timer, integrated wind guard, 3 food temperature probes, electric ignition, and more.
If you’re looking for a modern, innovative way to cook outdoors… The Coyote pellet grill may be a good option for you. These grills do it all… Smoke, grill, and sear all in one! No need for a secondary cooking appliance.

Coyote Charcoal Grill

Compared to the pellet grill… Coyote’s charcoal grill is on the other end of the spectrum!
This grill is the classic, analog way to cook outdoors.
Coyote’s built-in charcoal grill is only available in a 36″ size. This means you get 875 square inches of cooking area.
There are adjustable dampers to control air flow and an adjustable fuel tray. You can raise or lower the charcoal based off what you need for heat.
Unlike all the other grills we’ve talked about… There really are no bells and whistles here… Other than this grill is manufactured with complete 304 stainless steel like the rest of the Coyote line. And we have to say… The charcoal flavor speaks for itself!
Now that we’ve given you an overview of the grills… Let’s compare features.

fully equipped outdoor kitchen, designed by you.
Grill Features: KitchenAid vs. Coyote
Yes, we did mention features in each grill! However, it’s important to highlight some of the differences between KitchenAid and Coyote.
For this section, we’re discussing the gas grills specifically.
Flame Tamers vs. Ceramic Briquettes

Remembering back to the gas grill descriptions… Some came with flame tamers, others came with ceramic briquettes.
More specifically, only the Coyote S-Series grill comes standard with ceramic briquettes.
So, what’s the difference?
It’s all in heat distribution.
Both are designed to provide even heat distribution and prevent flare-ups. The flame tamers are pure stainless steel with angles to achieve this. Ceramic briquettes are exactly as they sound… Ceramic shaped into briquette form.
So which is better?
Ceramic briquettes are more effective at providing even heat distribution. If you’re picky about your food cooking evenly… You may prefer ceramic briquettes.
However, they require a bit more maintenance. Ideally after each grilling session, you clean them. You do this by flipping the briquettes over and burning off impurities. Otherwise, you will end up with flare-ups due to grease buildup.
Flame tamers are the converse situation. A little less maintenance, but with less even heat distribution and retention.
As mentioned, the Coyote S-Series grills come standard with ceramic briquettes. The C-Series grills come with flame tamers. However, ceramic briquettes can be an add-on to C-Series grills.
KitchenAid grills only come with flame tamers. There is no option to add-on ceramic briquettes.
This distinction is important to note if your heart is set on ceramic briquettes. Ceramic heat retention and even heat distribution is a big deal!
KitchenAid Tube Burners vs. Coyote Infinity Burners

Let’s talk about burners. They’re the most foundational component of your built-in grill. For the most part, a grill is only as good as its burners.
So how do they stack up?
Let’s start with KitchenAid.
KitchenAid grills contain a straight tube style burner. The flames exit out of the left and right sides of the tube. These burners are rated for 10,000 BTUs each, which is sufficient for cooking. If you’re looking for great sear marks and a wide range of temperature settings… You’ll be curious to learn more about Coyote’s burner capacity.
As stated above, Coyote burners are a bit different. They are known as cast infinity style burners, because the shape looks similar to an infinity symbol. Imagine the number 8 but more rectangular… That’s pretty much what it looks like.
Flames exit out of the edges and interior loops of this infinity shape. They are also wider, which allows them to cover more surface area in the firebox. Due to this design, the Coyote Infinity burners are able to provide a more even heat distribution. So your cooking will be more consistent overall.
Unlike tube burners cut and welded together from sheets of steel… Coyote’s infinity burners are made from cast 304 stainless steel.
This provides a couple unique benefits to you. For one, this method increases the lifespan of the burner. They are also easier to clean and more resilient to the outdoor environment. Not to mention that the Coyote infinity burners are rated for 20,000 BTUs each, compared to the 10,000 from KitchenAid.
That’s not to say the straight burners are bad! Not at all. They just won’t distribute heat as efficiently. Coyote Infinity burners also come with a lifetime replacement warranty, so keep this in mind!
Rotisserie Setups

Finally, let’s chat a bit about the rotisserie.
You’ll remember that some models come with a rotisserie setup, others not.
Both models of KitchenAid grills do come with a rotisserie burner. We were unable to confirm if the rotisserie kit is included with the grill or not. It’s possible you may have to purchase those components separately. Either way, both grills are equipped for a rotisserie!
Again, Coyote grills are slightly different. The C-Series grill does not come with a rotisserie burner or kit. Conversely, the S-Series does come with a rotisserie burner and kit. Additionally, there is a place to store your rotisserie skewer on the back of the S-Series grill.
This area will really come down to personal preference. If you don’t have strong feelings about a rotisserie… You may not feel you are missing something with the C-Series grill. Otherwise, it’s a nice bonus!
KitchenAid BBQ Grill Materials

Time to discuss materials. It may seem like a dry topic… However, it’s essential to understand the materials your grill is made out of.
Materials have a direct correlation to the longevity of your grill. And with an outdoor kitchen being such a large investment, you want all of the components to last!
So, are KitchenAid grills any good?
We are happy to report that KitchenAid grills are made from high-quality stainless steel. More specifically, grade 304 stainless steel.
Why is this important?
Not to be captain obvious here… But your built-in grill is going to be housed outdoors. Therefore, it will constantly be exposed to the elements. Heat, water, freezing, and salty air if you’re in a coastal area.
You want a grill that is resilient to the outdoor environment. Grade of steel used has a lot to do with this.
304 stainless steel is highly resistant to rust, corrosion, and other damage.
Whatever grill you decide on… You’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for this. 304 stainless steel is your best bet for a long lasting built-in grill.
In terms of materials, KitchenAid would be a good choice. However, there is one component of their grills that is not complete 304 stainless steel.
On KitchenAid’s website, the cooking grids are listed as “304 stainless steel wrapped”. So there’s 304 stainless steel on the outside… But another material on the inside.
This certainly doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. Just be aware that this stainless steel coating could chip off over time… Leading to degradation of the cooking grids.
Coyote Grills Materials

So, what about Coyote? Is Coyote a good grill brand?
Yes, they are! Coyote offers excellent, high quality gas grills.
In this category, Coyote is quite similar to KitchenAid.
Coyote boasts complete 304 stainless steel construction on its entire appliance and accessory line. Their grills also feature double-walled stainless steel hoods for extra insulation. This is important in seasonal climates where people grill year round.
You’ll notice we said complete stainless steel construction. This is where Coyote has an edge over KitchenAid in the way of materials. Even Coyote cooking grates are made from full 304 stainless steel.
Like KitchenAid, you won’t have to worry about Coyote grills rusting or corroding over time.
Quality is top of mind with both brands.
Now that we’ve got materials out of the way… Let’s compare accessories and add-ons.
KitchenAid Grills Accessories, Appliances, and Add-Ons

For many of us, outdoor kitchens aren’t complete with just the grill. You may want other appliances, or you may want upgrades for the grill you decide on.
So let’s see what KitchenAid has to offer!
In the way of accessories, KitchenAid has some options.
They have a variety of grill covers for all their grill models, built-in cabinet doors, built-in cabinet drawers, grill toppers, cleaning brushes, grill skillet, and grill tool set.
So if you do decide to use KitchenAid for your grill, you’ll have some matching storage options and accessories available.
As far as appliances… KitchenAid actually doesn’t have any additional appliances! So if you’re hoping for a matching sink or refrigerator, unfortunately you’ll be out of luck. But if you’re just strictly looking for a grill and storage, you’re in good shape.
Finally, we have add-ons. These would be considered upgrades you can add to your grill. KitchenAid doesn’t really offer add-ons for their grills.
However, they do sell a stainless steel rotisserie kit. While we haven’t confirmed this 100%, this leads us to believe the rotisserie kits are not included with the grills. Therefore, you could purchase one as an add-on to your grill.
All in all, KitchenAid is hyper focused on their grill line. That’s not necessarily a bad thing! In some cases, it’s best to do one thing well than diversify.
So, what does Coyote have to offer?
Coyote Grills Accessories, Appliances, and Add-Ons
Coyote Outdoor Living offers a diverse line of accessories, appliances, and add-ons. We’ll just outline them briefly here. All of the following are constructed with complete 304 stainless steel.
Let’s begin with accessories. You’ll find signature grates, ceramic briquettes, rotisserie kits, grill covers, griddles, smoker boxes, charcoal trays, and more.

There are many items you can purchase to upgrade your grill! You may also have noticed many of these are already included with the S-Series grill. So if you’re all about accessories, you may just prefer to purchase that grill.
For storage, you’ll also find a range of stainless steel doors, drawers, pull out trash, spice racks, and more. These are a great complement to your built-in grill.
How about appliances?
Coyote does offer a great array of appliances in addition to grills. You’ll find specialty burners, refrigerators, sinks, and ventilation hoods for your grills.

These accessories can really fill out your outdoor kitchen… Making it feel like less of a grill station and more like a full outdoor kitchen.
To wrap up the section, they have add-ons. Honestly, most of Coyote’s accessories could also be considered add-ons. If we’re talking about the S-Series grill, many of these add-ons are included. If we’re talking about the C-Series… You could upgrade to add-ons such as ceramic briquettes.
All in all, if you’re looking for variety… Coyote may be a stronger consideration for you.
Who Makes the Best Gas Grill for the Money?
Ah, the million dollar question. We could sing the praises of both KitchenAid and Coyote grills until the cows come home… But if the price isn’t right, it doesn’t matter.
Before we talk about pricing on these grills… It’s important to understand the average cost to expect. Throwing a bunch of numbers out there won’t make much sense without context!
Of course, different sources report various ranges.
AHS states you’ll expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 – $3,500 for a good grill.
We find this range to be pretty accurate for most peoples’ needs. A lower cost entry level grill will likely have quality concerns. Since you’ll be building your grill into an outdoor kitchen… You want it to last more than one season.
Most grills over the $3,500 mark would be considered luxury. If you have the budget to spend on a luxury grill, that’s great! However, most people are looking for a balance between the two. The highest quality for the best price.
Let’s see how KitchenAid and Coyote stack up on price.
KitchenAid Grill Cost

So, what does a KitchenAid grill cost?
As we’ve established, there are two built-in models for us to discuss.
The standard KitchenAid grill will run you $899.99. You’ll probably notice this price falls short of the average cost of a ‘good’ grill.
Don’t interpret this as us saying not to buy this grill! We’re simply stating the facts so you can make an informed decision for your project.
The upgraded KitchenAid grill rolls in at $1,099.99.
As we know, this added cost is due to the sear burner and larger grill size. This pushes the price into the range we’re looking for… But the quality of materials are the same as the standard version. So this doesn’t tell us the upgraded version will last longer than the standard KitchenAid grill.
Overall, we consider KitchenAid grills a good entry level option. Onto Coyote.

are your creative juices flowing?
Coyote Grills Cost
As we’ve already established, there are a ton of grills in the Coyote line! So we won’t detail pricing of everything… You can find them all on Coyote’s website.
So how much is a Coyote grill?

For a C-Series grill, you’ll pay anywhere from $1,259.00 – $2,299.00 depending on size. As you can see, this firmly fits into the average range we discussed earlier.
If we want to compare price to KitchenAid’s standard model… Let’s look at the 28″ C-Series. The cost for this model is $1,259.00
It costs over $300 more than the KitchenAid… So what is the reason for the discrepancy? They’re both composed of primarily the same materials.
There are a couple slight differences that may account for this.
Coyote’s Infinity Burners are an upgrade to KitchenAid’s tube burners, for one. Coyote’s cooking grates are also made from complete 304 stainless steel. KitchenAid’s are wrapped with 304 stainless, so the core is made of something else that likely reduces cost. Coyote grill hoods are also double walled. While unable to confirm if KitchenAid’s are the same, this can account for the discrepancy as well.
Overall, you are getting notable upgrades for the extra $300. However, there is no rotisserie burner in the C-Series so that may weigh a bit differently for you.

So, what of the S-Series?

The price range here is anywhere from $2,299.00 – $3,499.00. Here, we’re on the higher end of the range discussed earlier. That makes sense as this is the upgraded offering from Coyote.
To compare more directly with KitchenAid’s upgraded offering… We’ll look to the 36″ model. This model costs $2,849.00.
You may be a bit surprised! It’s a much bigger price jump than C-Series vs. Standard KitchenAid. The price difference here is about $1,750.00.
Why such a big difference here? It’s all got to do with upgrades. The same improvements from the C-Series apply here.
Additionally, the S-Series includes backlit knobs, ceramic briquettes, smoker box, and rotisserie kit. All these features are a reasonable explanation for the price difference.

You may be thinking to yourself… “You haven’t answered my question!” Yes, you were wondering who makes the best gas grill for the money.
As with many things… It really depends on what works for you. For their specific price points, both KitchenAid and Coyote provide good value for the money.
KitchenAid is a great value for those looking for a more entry-level grill. You get a lot of desirable features for the lower price point and high quality materials.
For those looking into a more premium option, Coyote is an excellent value for the money. There are a ton of features packed into Coyote grills you’d see in grills with a higher price point.
Beyond cost, you’ll also want to consider the warranties offered.
KitchenAid Grills Warranties
Warranties are especially important when considering your grill purchase. A long-lasting warranty signals a company that stands behind the quality of their product.
The better the warranty… The more confident you can be in your investment. A built-in grill for your outdoor kitchen is a big purchase! It should be built to last.
Speaking of warranties, what does KitchenAid offer?
For both of their grills, the warranty is the same.
There’s a 10 year warranty on the burners and a 1 year “other” warranty. We can’t confirm exactly what the “other” covers. However, it’s probably safe to assume it covers most or all of the other components.
A 10 year burner warranty for an entry-level grill is fairly common. For a built-in grill, we like to see at least a limited lifetime warranty on the burners and housing.
As for the 1 year “other” warranty, it really depends on what that covers. For some components such as the ignition… A 1 year warranty is standard. For others, 3-5 years is more common. Flame tamers are an example.
Overall, KitchenAid’s warranty is decent. For an entry level built-in grill, it’s about what we would expect.
Coyote Grills Warranties
As usual, there are some differences with Coyote’s warranty.
Coyote’s warranty is the same across their entire grill line. They offer the following:
- Limited Lifetime on Stainless Steel Burners
- Limited Lifetime on Stainless Steel Frame/Housing
- 5 Years on Cooking Grids
- 2 Years on Flavorizer Bars
- 2 Years on Electric/Plastic Components
- 1 Year on Ignition System/Valves
All in all, Coyote’s warranty is more extensive and longer-lasting. Any grill manufacturer that offers a limited lifetime warranty on their burners and housing gets brownie points from us!
In fact, it’s a huge reason why we at RTA trust Coyote’s product line so much. We have endless first hand experience of how excellent Coyote appliances are over the last several years. It’s these experiences that allow us to feel confident we’re providing our outdoor kitchen customers with the best appliances possible.
So, how does this warranty compare to KitchenAid?
If a robust warranty is important to you when purchasing a built-in grill… You’ll probably prefer Coyote in this case.
While we pride ourselves on being a high-quality source of outdoor kitchen information… We don’t want you to only listen to us!
Equally important is what actual customers say about KitchenAid and Coyote grills. Their experience says a lot about the potential experience you will have with the product.
Now, for this section… We’ll have you do your own research! It’s not our place to cherry pick KitchenAid grills reviews or Coyote grill reviews. We’ll let the ones you find speak for themselves.
RTA x Coyote

At the beginning of this article… We mentioned that we have a strategic partnership with Coyote Outdoor Living. This has been ongoing with our ownership group for 6 years!
We’ve installed thousands of Coyote grills over the years, including in our own backyards. As a result, much of the information shared here is a direct result of our experience with Coyote products.
We wanted to close this article by sharing with you a bit about what that partnership looks like. Ultimately, it’s completely up to you what grill brand you decide on! Only you can determine your needs.
However, we wanted to draw your attention to the RTA x Coyote partnership as you may find it beneficial!
Coyote Outdoor Living is the sole supplier of outdoor appliances for our outdoor kitchens. Aside from a premium grade appliance line… What you really get here is convenience and peace of mind.
The RTA x Coyote partnership makes RTA the single source for all your outdoor kitchen needs. Traditionally, you would have to juggle between multiple vendors to source all the pieces needed for your project. That can be a headache you just don’t want to deal with!
You also get the benefit of working with designs you know will fit the appliances you want. Our expert designers will help you customize the layout to your space and needs.
Further, you get access to both companies for any customer service needs. You have full access to our customer success team for any concerns on the outdoor kitchen side… And access to Coyote’s customer service team for appliance needs. It’s really the best of both worlds!
If you are interested in learning how RTA Outdoor Living can work for your project… Schedule a call with one of our design experts! A simple 15 minute chat will provide all the clarity you need. No risk here, only reward.
We hope to hear from you!